Category Archives: bread

Cranberry Almond Coffee Cake

The milking maids are exhausted, the leaping lords have shin splints, and the partridge has flown the pear tree. Christmas is almost here! My apologies for the total lack of cookie posts! I had grand visions, but some 2012 writing projects (stay tuned) have taken precedence. But the butter is softening on the counter right […]

Pumpkin Pie Spice Toast

This can hardly be called a recipe (especially since I’m not giving you any measurements). It’s more ‘inspiration for bread’. Inspiration that made for a very nice afternoon snack with tea. Here goes: Toast your favorite bread. Spread it generously with butter. Sprinkle it with brown sugar. Sprinkle it with pumpkin pie spice. Enjoy. Here is […]

Mississippi Pancakes

Growing up, my dad regularly made pancakes on Saturday mornings. Prepared with Bisquick, served with butter and a healthy pour of Mrs. Butterworth’s. I remember my pancake breakfast preparation: I was wrapped in a full-sized apron with sleeves: a cheery yellow, dotted with red strawberries. My hair was then pulled tightly into two braids. Apparently, I couldn’t […]

Chocolate Walnut Zucchini Bread: Treat Number Eleven

Sorry for the radio silence. I was out of town for a few days, then everyone in the house had a cold, and now I’m adjusting to going back to work part-time. Things are finally settling down–kind of. It’s been a struggle to get organized food-wise with this new work schedule. I’m trying to get […]


Thanksgiving is awesome. It’s the only holiday where the food doesn’t have any competing attractions – no fireworks or gifts to steal the show. Sure, there’s the whole thankfulness thing, and some football, but really, the food is the star. Here’s what I’m making:  Turkey: I’ve used this Alton Brown method of brining and cooking […]