In college, friends and I would occasionally eat at a fancy little sandwich shop near our dorm. It was ridiculously expensive for our meager college budget ($7 a sandwich!), but the grub was yummy. The sandwiches had kitschy names–my favorite was ‘the Thanksgiving. Roasted turkey, mayo, cranberry sauce, AND stuffing.
Now that I’ve got you drooling and your stomachs a-rumblin’, I hope you won’t be disappointed with a recipe for a smoothie. See, it wasn’t the sandwiches I was thinking of, it was their names. I’ve always been tickled by funny punny sandwich names that reflect local celebrities, places of interest, or playoff the ingredients. Thus, I dubbed my latest smoothie ‘the Local’.
The locavore movement is gaining momentum, and the hard-core folks in this area really have their work cut out for them. Our Upper Midwest clime does not lend itself easily to a strictly locally begotten diet. Veggie selection is drastically reduced in the winter, no coffee, tea, or olive oil allowed. Their determination and creativity are to be admired. Continue Reading »