The massive heat wave that was hovering over Wisconsin (and much or the rest of the country) has finally broken, and we got a quick downpour of much needed rain.
With all of that heat, our ice cream maker has been working full-time. Several quarts of vanilla, strawberry, and salty caramel occupied our freezer for a brief time.
Over one birthday weekend, the kids ate a total of 5 ice cream cones each. Instead of having a limit, we like to think we have a quota to fill!
When not perched on a cone, ice cream is perfect topped off with this intense hot fudge sauce and a handful of salty roasted peanuts.
The sauce is oh-so-slightly adapted from Jeni Britton Bauer’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream at Home, and then the sauce is whipped with fresh cream to make a mousse, which can in turn be frozen for a cool treat (or enjoyed as is).
This recipe was originally published in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel weekly Tallgrass Kitchen column. See here for article and more details. Continue Reading »