Category Archives: kid stuff

The Lunchbox #2

Second day of lunch packing! Lunchbox #2 milk 3 peanut butter bites (can be made with any nut or soy butter) rice cakes with goat cheese 2 vegetable quesadilla triangles (thanks for the idea, Jen!) raspberries and blackberries The Result: 1 quesadilla triangle came back. I think my kiddo works up quite an appetite at school. […]

The Lunchbox #1

My little guy is attending preschool two days a week for the very first time (just for a few weeks this summer). He was a little nervous, but had an outstanding time his first day. His favorite part was visiting the Nature School bus (I know, can you believe it? An onsite school bus!) My […]

Strawberry Cream Waffle

Spring gardening is well-underway here in the Upper Midwest. The rhubarb and asparagus are mere DAYS away from first harvest, I have some tomato and pepper seedling starting in the basement, and out in the garden we’ve put in potatoes, onion sets, leeks, and a salad garden with carrots, kale, and lettuces. I plan to […]

Mississippi Pancakes

Growing up, my dad regularly made pancakes on Saturday mornings. Prepared with Bisquick, served with butter and a healthy pour of Mrs. Butterworth’s. I remember my pancake breakfast preparation: I was wrapped in a full-sized apron with sleeves: a cheery yellow, dotted with red strawberries. My hair was then pulled tightly into two braids. Apparently, I couldn’t […]

Teeny Tiny Chocolate Chip Cookies

These Lilliputian cookies are my standard chocolate chip, and they are a welcome addition to a child’s tea party. My little one cannot say his “L’s” yet, and he described these as “deyightful.” They remind me of that old-school cereal Cookie Crisp, but I’m sure these taste much better (although I wouldn’t recommend eating them […]