Category Archives: vegetarian

Raspberry Coconut Oatmeal

This is my first post in May. Sigh. My asparagus bed has foot tall stalks and weeds from lack of attention and harvesting. Double-sigh. I planted spinach and lettuce seeds over a month ago, and many didn’t come up, and those that did are not even an inch tall yet. Exasperated sigh. My recent goals to […]

Strawberry Cream Waffle

Spring gardening is well-underway here in the Upper Midwest. The rhubarb and asparagus are mere DAYS away from first harvest, I have some tomato and pepper seedling starting in the basement, and out in the garden we’ve put in potatoes, onion sets, leeks, and a salad garden with carrots, kale, and lettuces. I plan to […]

Weeknight Dinner: Red Lentil Soup

This was devoured before I could take a photo of the finished soup–on three separate occasions. This one is popular with everyone in my family, from husband down to infant. There aren’t many meals with such mass appeal. It is very flavorful, but not spicy (you could easily spice it up before by not seeding […]

Mississippi Pancakes

Growing up, my dad regularly made pancakes on Saturday mornings. Prepared with Bisquick, served with butter and a healthy pour of Mrs. Butterworth’s. I remember my pancake breakfast preparation: I was wrapped in a full-sized apron with sleeves: a cheery yellow, dotted with red strawberries. My hair was then pulled tightly into two braids. Apparently, I couldn’t […]

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

We had a week of lovely spring weather–just enough to coax the rhubarb and crocuses out of their earthy beds. Now we’re back to thirty degree days and long underwear. Time for one last velvety, comforting, pureed soup. If your household is on the fence about cauliflower, give this a try. It highlights the veggie’s […]