Category Archives: seasonal

Summer Berry Birthday Cake

My first baby turned three at the end of June. I recently heard a saying ‘the days are long, but the years are short’, and that couldn’t be more true. I’m working on creating some memorable traditions for my boys. A simple one we’ve practiced for my son’s past two birthdays is the Picking of […]

Strawberry Cream Waffle

Spring gardening is well-underway here in the Upper Midwest. The rhubarb and asparagus are mere DAYS away from first harvest, I have some tomato and pepper seedling starting in the basement, and out in the garden we’ve put in potatoes, onion sets, leeks, and a salad garden with carrots, kale, and lettuces. I plan to […]

Meyer Lemon Sugar Cookies

When I find something ultra-seasonal and ephemeral at the market, I am very excited. Now I realize that an item’s rarity is defined by your geography, so some of you may be swimming in Meyer lemons, but in Wisconsin they are here for a brief time. Meyer lemons are a small golden yellow citrus, thought […]

Iced Sugar Cookies: Treat Number Twelve

We had a brief spring-tease here last week. My kids and I enjoyed going outside in fleeces, and stomping around in the slush. However, we are Wisconsinites and we know that winter is far from over. In fact, it has already snowed again! Making these cookies was a nice way to spend the afternoon, and […]

Chocolate Walnut Zucchini Bread: Treat Number Eleven

Sorry for the radio silence. I was out of town for a few days, then everyone in the house had a cold, and now I’m adjusting to going back to work part-time. Things are finally settling down–kind of. It’s been a struggle to get organized food-wise with this new work schedule. I’m trying to get […]