Category Archives: comfort food

Pink Lemonade, Naturally

It’s a hundred plus degrees here today. From what I hear, many of you across the country are experiencing the same. What better to beat the heat than an ice cold glass of pink lemonade? No pink powder in this one–just lemons, sugar, water, and raspberries. Isn’t the color amazing?

Mississippi Pancakes

Growing up, my dad regularly made pancakes on Saturday mornings. Prepared with Bisquick, served with butter and a healthy pour of Mrs. Butterworth’s. I remember my pancake breakfast preparation: I was wrapped in a full-sized apron with sleeves: a cheery yellow, dotted with red strawberries. My hair was then pulled tightly into two braids. Apparently, I couldn’t […]

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

We had a week of lovely spring weather–just enough to coax the rhubarb and crocuses out of their earthy beds. Now we’re back to thirty degree days and long underwear. Time for one last velvety, comforting, pureed soup. If your household is on the fence about cauliflower, give this a try. It highlights the veggie’s […]

Smoky Red Enchilada Sauce

Ahh…enchilada sauce! I love enchiladas, but I  almost never make them at home. I was under the misconception that it was a lot of work (soaking dried chilies) and used ingredients not readily available to me. I’m sure this is very true for something uber-traditional, but this version is very tasty, and very fast. You can […]

Hungarian Noodles and Cabbage

I wish I had a lovely story about my grandmother stirring up a pot of this when I was feeling sad, but alas, I don’t. This is an incredible comfort dish, it rivals grilled cheese and tomato soup. The egg noodles are soft, silky, salty, and buttery. The cabbage is sweet, nutty, and caramelized. Combined, […]